Saturday, May 1, 2010

Invocations of the Muse

So I'm taking my Studies in Poetry class online for this session, and it will be a welcome 8 week period after the hell that is Accounting 101. So I thought I'd make this blog post an official poetry slam; leave one of your own works or one of your favorite poems in the comments. If it's not your own creation, please cite the author.

This one is my own; it has no name, but I wrote it with my story's character in mind.
The singular part of my being that is capable of destruction…
It seeks not love, nor hate, but blood.
It cares not for the sights my eyes have taken,
Nor for the songs my heart has sung.
The singular part of my being that is capable of reason…
It seeks not love, nor hate, but answers.
It cares not for what my heart shouts at it.
They must have deliverance.
Merging as one, the blade and the mind;
It dares transform its medium into something
Which is perhaps both hideous and beautiful at once.
I am ready for battle.
A parley will be a dance of death.

1 comment:

  1. *puts away all the stuff that was left out, burns this post to the ground and pees on the ashes*
