Sylph awakened once more, only to find himself in a moderately-lit room. The scent of fresh candles and gysahlweed incense filled his nose. All of his senses were returning to him, albeit slowly, but he began to feel the serenity for which he was aching. His hand lay upon his chest... bare, it was, save for the wrappings that bound the wound on his back.
He looked up... he could clearly see the slope of the room's ceiling, and it was then he realized that he was not capped. He cursed to himself underneath his breath, but turning his head to the side and brushing his locks away relieved him of his worry, as he saw his hat and cloak hanging on a chair a few meters away from the bed. They were in pristine condition. Perhaps his caretakers had cleansed them from the dirt and blood.
He attempted to sit up, but a sharp ache eased him back down to his bed just as one of the robed priests entered the room carrying a plate of food.
"Ah, so you're awake. I would take it easy right now if I were you. Quite the slash you had on your back there... it's healing up nicely, considering I'm quite new to this," he stated, placing the plate on the table next to Sylph's bed.
"Once my strength returns, I'll probably be able to mend it up the rest of the way. However, I believe I owe you my gratitude," Sylph replied.
"No, my friend," the priest reassured. "It is part of my duty. Besides, we could not just leave you there to die. There aren't enough mages like you in this world."
"I can't agree with you more. However, I should direct a related question to you... there were two of you dressed alike, were there not? Who are you?"
"Well, me, personally, my name is Feil Litiere. I'm an acolyte here at the Carbuncle Basilica... we are nothing more than humble white mages living lives of servitude and humility to those in need. You were carried here by my comrade, Markus. He would be here if it were not for other... duties, as it were."
"I see. My name is Sylph Stridemoon, of what was once Glenprice... a village that is now reduced to ash, if that."
"Yes. Most unfortunate. Our elders went to investigate, but even with their healing powers there was nothing they could do. What happened there?"
Sylph then related to Feil all the events he partook and witnessed. It almost pained him more than his wound to retell it.
"Most unfortunate," Feil repeated. "I only wish I could have done something about those fiends... but yet I wonder both why they never came into our territory and why they left you alive."
"It is something I wonder myself, and I'm determined to find the answers I seek," Sylph stated.
"...then allow me to assist you, my friend. I'm a mere acolyte, but I learn quickly. Please place your trust in me. I am sure that I share your pain at the thought of the suffering those people went through. I do not want to see it happen again."
Sylph grinned and leaned up to place his hand on Feil's shoulder, but was reminded of his wound and eased himself back down with a grimace.
"First, you should get some rest. Eat when you like... I shall return later after I have conferred with the elders about your tale."
Several hours later, Sylph awakened to a beam of sunlight piercing through the narrow slit between the shade and the window behind it.
Sitting up this time was not so difficult, and almost at once he was able to tap into the Ether. All was calm once more, and he tapped into its healing threads to cure him of his minor pains. After donning his garb, he opened the door to find himself standing under a stone arcade, which became part of a rectangular corridor around a beautiful courtyard. In its center was a fountain, and the statue that adorned it took the shape of a creature that Sylph had never seen before. It appeared to be in the fetal position, but it had elegant metal wings emerging from its back. A ruby-like stone decorated what appeared to be the creature's forehead, above two eyes fixed skyward.
Feil, from across the courtyard, spotted Sylph's emergence from his room.
"Sylph!" he bellowed, running and nearly tripping over his robes. "Come quickly with me to the audience chamber. The elders have something to tell you."
"Lead the way," Sylph replied, and tilted his hat a little further down over his eyes.
2 days ago
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