Solar-powered Bibles and e-Meters? If you take advantage of a crisis to promote your agenda (Yes, I'm looking at YOU, Pat Robertson), then you're only compounding the problem. This isn't about beliefs or ideologies or politics.
This whole earthquake thing? It's new to these people. And now it won't be... two aftershocks were recorded today. How would YOU feel if suddenly the earth beneath your neighborhood started quaking, and all the houses on your block were destroyed? Now multiply that grief by a factor of a few thousand.
If you can, give. I don't care to who; just make sure the organization will send it where it needs to go. I'm sure they won't mind me hotlinking.
Doctors Without Borders
American Red Cross
1 day ago
You know really bothers me? This earthquake was predicted 2 years ago by scientist, who even approached the Haitian government. Their hope was they would at least reinforce their hospitals, govt buildings, etc. The Haitain govt, although they appreciated it, didn't feel they had the means (monetarily) to do this. Why did they not approach other countries and the Red Cross THEN to prevent such tragedies. It breaks my heart to see such havoc and tragedy...but didn't we learn anything with Lousinana and the levies breaking? I guess not. I guess my point is the whole of religion wants to say this is God's doing and it's a sign...but when it was already predicted that there was a tremendous amount of pressure building under the fault lines of Haiti by SCIENTISTS, no one wanted to listen.