I play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on XBox Live. I’ve only prestiged once, and I really don’t think I will do so again. I only did it because Infinity Ward was holding a double XP weekend, and I figured it would give me an initial boost to get all my weapons/perks back again.
Truth be told, I totally suck at the game. It took me forever to get to the level I’m at now; sometimes I have my good days, but most of the time my kill/death ratio is < 1.
That being said, I just wanted to make this post to put my nerdiness on display once more. In the game, you can have certain ‘classes’ that are a particular setup of perks, weapons, and equipment, and (unless you have the One Man Army perk) you can only change them after you die before you spawn. You have the option of naming these classes whatever you want.
Being the Final Fantasy nerd that I am, I named them all according to Final Fantasy job classes. However, the names are meaningful, so this way I can switch to them quickly when the situation warrants it. For those of you reading my blog posts and wish to give me advice on my class choices, please feel free to leave suggestions in the comments. For those of you who have never played the game before, you can stop reading now and go look at previous posts.
Since I’ve only prestiged once, I have 6 classes, as follows:
Primary: M16A4 with Grenade Launcher
Secondary: One Man Army
Equipment: Semtex, Flash Grenades
Perk 1: One Man Army
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Commando Pro
Deathstreak: Copycat
This started out as my primary class, but now it’s my “perpetual supply of noobtubes” class. One Man Army allows me to change out my class whenever I need to, so I can actually change back to Commando once my noobtubes are gone. Also, if I see any aircraft, I’ll take cover switch immediately to my Dragoon class (below). Makes for a great support role. (I’m all about those, aren’t I?)
Primary: Mini-Uzi, Holographic Sight
Secondary: .44 Magnum
Equipment: Semtex, Stun Grenades
Perk 1: Scavenger Pro
Perk 2: Hardline Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Deathstreak: Martyrdom (pronounced mar-ter-dum, not marty-dumb)
A class that seems to work purely at close range, which is why the Ninja Pro perk is needed. Scavenger Pro makes sure that I never run out of grenades/equipment, while the Martyrdom deathstreak makes sure any close-range deaths become Afterlife kills or assists.
Primary: AUG HBAR Foregrip
Secondary: M9 (Red Dot Sight, will change gun soon)
Equipment: Frag, Flash Grenades
Perk 1: Sleight of Hand
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Steady Aim
Deathstreak: Copycat
A class that is simply about bullet power. It’s great for long-range, but not so great when it comes to ammunition, as the HBAR isn’t at the top of the spectrum when it comes to magazines. I’d love suggestions for improvement, but this is my LMG class, so consider that.
Primary: Barrett .50Cal with ACOG Scope / Silencer (working to Thermal)
Secondary: M93 Raffica, Red Dot Sight
Equipment: Claymore, Smoke Grenade
Perk 1: Bling
Perk 2: Cold-Blooded Pro
Perk 3: Last Stand
Deathstreak: Final Stand
My only sniper class. Cold-Blooded Pro makes sure that if I remain perfectly still, most of the time I won’t be seen by competing snipers. Claymores protect my sniping stands and popping smoke will usually allow me to escape snipers that have missed the first shot. I’ve made many a kill with Last Stand if I’m encountered at close range, and if I’ve had bad luck, the combo of a Last Stand Pro with Final Stand will allow me to escape easily if I made the kill.
Primary: FAL, Grenade Launcher
Secondary: Javelin
Equipment: Frag Grenades, Flashbangs
Perk 1: Scavenger Pro
Perk 2: Cold-Blooded Pro
Perk 3: SitRep
Deathstreak: Painkiller
This is what I turn to when I need to shoot crap out of the sky. The FAL is an excellent rifle despite its firing rate, and the Javelin gets the job done blowing anything up. Cold-Blooded makes sure that I don’t get shot down by the killstreaks I’m trying to take out. Using SitRep, I can tell my teammates where all the enemy claymores/C4 are placed. If I’m found trying to shoot something down, I may have Painkiller on at that point to get the missile out.
Red Mage
Primary: TAR-21, Silencer
Secondary: Ranger Akimbo
Equipment: Semtex, Flashbangs
Perk 1: Marathon Pro
Perk 2: Lightweight Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Deathstreak: Martyrdom
My namesake class is the one I use most effectively. With the Silencer and Ninja Pro, I can softly dash around the map and take out targets from any range. Reload time with the akimbo Rangers is a pain in the butt, but the damage output makes it worthwhile until I unlock the Model 1887. The TAR-21 has a great magazine size and can usually get the job done in 3 or 4 bullets. I’ve also got the Urban camo on it, which will be replaced with the Red Tiger once it’s unlocked. Gotta keep the weapon consistent with the class name!
1 day ago